Corona Virus Detection and Classification with radiograph images using RNN

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Dr Moulana Mohammed, et. al.


We’re working on detecting the symptoms of Corona virus, also known as Covid-19, in this project.COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease that has been declared a Pub- lic Health Emergency and a Pandemic by the World Health Organization.The virus has infected over 25 million people worldwide,which has killed over 840,000 people and threat- ened the lives of millions more. COVID-19 is characterised by a dry cough, sore throat, and a high temperature. It is critical to find quick and accurate results for Covid-19 at this time in order to stop it in its early stages and avoid it from being a problem. Deep learning concepts are being used to analyse and classify symptoms from radiograph im- ages.Chest radiographs are one of the early screening tests to assess the onset of disease since the infection seriously affects the lungs.In this proposal, we used a recurrent neu- ral network model combined with a multi-level thresholding technique to detect Corona virus. One of the machine learn- ing techniques for prediction is the RNN model. A Recur- rent Neural Network is used to decide if the given images belong to Covid-19 during the classification process. This implementation is based on a publicly available dataset of radiograph images.

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