The impact of E-Satisfaction, Personality Traits, Religiosity and Locus of Control on Investor’s Decision Making with mediating role of Financial Behavior and E-loyalty

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Shahid Hussain, et al.


Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is playing key role in current COVID environment. Therefore, there is a need for complete OCB model to address the problems related to OCB. Accordingly, this article address the problem: what are the factors impacting OCB. To answer this queation, we conducted a review of articles and found that Job characteristics and Employee enagaement theoretically impacting OCB. Thus, in the current article the model is being exmined in which Job Characteristics is an exogenous variable, Organization Citizenship behavior is an endogenous variable, and Employee Engagement as mediator. The target population is of Public Sector Telecom employees in India. The sample size is 382 outof 65,000 Population (Robert V Krejice's, 1970) and simple random sampling technique was administred. A standard questionnaire was prepared and distributed via Google form and to acquire statistical evidence SPSS Process Macros and AMOS Software package were used. The outcome of the final model constructs was found to be valid and the Model fit was acceptable. We conclude that Employee Engagement is fully mediating the relation between Job Characteristics and OCB.

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