Impact of Social Media on Customer Engagement and Brand Loyalty in The Fashion Industry: An Empirical Investigation

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Ashish Anans Tripathi


Social media has reformed the manner with which consumers interact with brands, particularly in the fashion industry. The fashion industry is a dynamic sector, where companies strive to involve customers and build brand loyalty. The widespread use of social media platforms has provided fashion brands with an opportunity to engage with customers in real-time, shape interactions, and create brand loyalty. The influence of “social media” on “customer engagement” and “brand loyalty” in the fashion business is complex and multifaceted and requires further investigation. This study looks to empirically investigate the influence of “social media” on “customer engagement” and “brand loyalty” in the fashion industry. The results provide an understanding about how brands can effectively use “social media” to involve customers and create and retain brand loyalty. The findings highlight the importance of creating personalized content and establishing two-way communication with customers. The research also emphasizes the need for fashion brands to adapt to the changing social media landscape and embrace new platforms and technologies to stay relevant in today's digital world.

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